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CE Workshop | Beyond Social Media: Creating Community the Old Fashioned Way

Do you feel like your messages are lost in the noise of Social Media? Is your electronic inbox saturated with little differentiation? This workshop offers practical tips to forge relationships fortified with knowledge, service and heartfelt intention. Learn how to make connections that last, forge powerful relationships and build loyalty.

CE Workshop | Creating Courses: The Key to Attracting More Students

Tired of attracting students one class at a time? Learn how to shift from offering classes to courses, and why this is a powerful tool to build a following of regular students. The workshop covers the basic principles of curriculum development for courses consisting of six to ten classes, tips to open up new teaching opportunities both in and out of studios and ways to market to your target students.

CE Workshop | Panel Discussion: Business Planning the Yogic Way

In this moderated panel discussion, yoga entrepreneurs share their passion for yoga and the nitty-gritty details of creating and sustaining a yoga business. Learn about building a business plan and minimizing risk, turning vision into action and creating a model-specific growth and marketing strategy. Gain tips for evaluating the effectiveness of a business plan to reflect changes in the market.

CE Workshop | Getting Gigs at Yoga Conferences and Festivals

What is the secret to getting booked at a yoga conference or festival? Let Lynann, a yoga teacher promoter and manager, show you how to connect with producers, decide which events to pursue, and how to use these bookings to expand your yoga business.

CE Workshop | Effective Cueing for Yoga Teachers

Master yoga teachers are efficient and effective communicators. They know how much to say, when to support and encourage, and when to be quiet and give space. Join Cara Bradley to learn how to speak simply and directly and to say less and empower more. Cara will share her unique Cueing Template used in the Verge Yoga Teacher Training as well as tips for keeping your dialog simple and choosing the right words.

CE Workshop | Pop-Up Yoga: Creating Unique Yoga Events

Yoga can happen anywhere, which is great news for anyone looking to create a unique “pop-up” yoga experience for their community. Whether you are fundraising for a cause or looking to supplement your income as a yoga teacher, learn what makes a successful pop-up yoga event.

CE Workshop | Write and Publish Your Yoga Book This Year

This workshop focuses on yoga and energy-based exercises for creativity and focus. Dr. Aileen McCabe-Maucher shows you how yoga philosophy and your practice can help your writing flow. She also shares practical strategies to develop, market, and publish your own yoga books.

CE Workshop | Find Your Unique Voice: Public Speaking for Yoga Teachers

Yoga teachers face the same challenges and fears as public speakers, yet we rarely talk about it. In this workshop, Courtney and Amber discuss how to find your voice, gain confidence, and improve your public speaking. Learn how to connect, be present, and make your teaching authentic.

CE Workshop | How to Incorporate Pregnant Women in General Yoga Classes

What should you do if a pregnant woman joins your class and you are not a RPYT? Should you send her away? Are there any special liability considerations? Join Laurel and Liat as they discuss these questions and more to help make your general yoga classes more inclusive. They will share teaching tips, things to keep in mind, and practices to support the pregnant women in your class.