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Community Sangha | The Power of Breath in Times of Great Change

While the world around us may feel chaotic, explore how to create a calm environment within. Learn why breathing is an act of peaceful resilience and how to efficiently manage stress and awaken inner wisdom through the practice of mindfulness and pranayama. Leave feeling energized and at peace.

CE Workshop | Flossing and Stretch Sticks

This workshop demonstrates how to incorporate simple one-inch rubber bands and two to five-foot PVC pipes as props in your yoga and wellness practice. These tools can help increase mobility, clear impingement, and serve as low-cost additions to your personal wellness toolbox.

CE Workshop | How to Make Yoga Relevant and Accessible for Men, Part 2

Presenter Robert Sidoti talks through important considerations for teaching yoga to men. This workshop will include discussion on making yoga accessible to the male population and take a closer look at aspects of a man's life, including discussion on language, physical anatomy, values, and more.

CE Workshop | Ayurveda

Discuss basic ayurvedic principles through a Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) lens. Workshop participants will learn about doshas while exploring techniques to ameliorate samskaras and build ojas, while fostering greater self-love and appreciation.

CE Workshop | How to Read Traditional Yoga Wisdom Texts, Part 3

This four-part workshop offers a systematic approach to overcoming obstacles when reading traditional yoga literature. Participants will learn how to develop a deep and meaningful connection with the ancient teachings of yoga.

Community Sangha | The 5 Divine Actions

This sangha touches upon the root teaching of Śiva’s form of Naṭarāja, the “Lord of the Cosmic Dance.” Specifically, participants focus on his 5 Divine Actions and how to use this knowledge to investigate personal psychosomatic patterns.

CE Workshop | Teaching Yoga to Older Adults

This workshop covers the common physical and emotional challenges many people experience in aging and what yoga can offer us through this experience. Learn about keeping your students safe through understanding changing bodies, offering modifications, and celebrating the wisdom found in aging.

Community Sangha | Yoga for Men of Color

Learn how yoga can help recovery from the physiological and emotional harm of institutionalized racism. Presenter Sherri Doucette uses her personal experience and research from teaching contemplative practices primarily to Black and Latino men to discuss yoga as a self-healing tool for men of color.

CE Workshop | Bridges of Energy Anatomy

Move beyond the basics of anatomy and tap into your subtle energy. Using the Ayurvedic sciences of movement, breath, and mind/body practices, this workshop examines the bridges of our body mind, the overpass of the mind and spirit connection, and the expressway tunnel of our body spirit.

CE Workshop | How to Read Traditional Yoga Wisdom Texts, Part 4

This four-part workshop offers a systematic approach to overcoming obstacles when reading traditional yoga literature. Participants will learn how to develop a deep and meaningful connection with the ancient teachings of yoga.

CE Workshop | The Scientific Research on Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients

Hear about the most up-to-date research on yoga practices for the acute stress, mood, and sleep disturbances associated with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Presenters will also discuss yoga for relief in the side effects of breast cancer treatments such as fatigue, nausea, pain, and cognitive impairment.