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Community Sangha | Shamatha–Vipassana Meditation

Author Susan Piver joins our Vice President of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer in this online gathering designed to bring yoga schools, teachers, and students together during this time of social distancing.

CE Workshop | Containment and Freedom Through the Lens of the Yoga Sutras, Part 4

This four-part CE workshop series explores the second chapter of the Yoga Sutras (the first four steps to Prajna, or discernment, as delineated in the Yoga Sutra 2.27). Participants will chant, learn, explore, and reflect on key Yoga Sutra teachings to work with in relation to society’s current happenings.

CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga and Disease Prevention, Part 1

Unpack what experts truly mean when they speak about disease prevention. This video explains why the most prevalent diseases in society are called Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and what research has been done on yoga preventing NCDs and other types of illness.

CE Workshop | Teaching Yoga for the Whole Family

Yoga and mindfulness can help children and families build self-regulatory skills, resilience, social awareness, confidence, and fitness while connecting to their bodies in a loving and fun way. Learn how to expand your teaching for all ages and what it takes to be a family yoga instructor.

CE Workshop | Untangling the Bhagavad Gita, Part 3

The Bhagavad Gita is a beautiful expose to understanding that we are more than what our senses perceive. This concept is what this workshop series focuses on. Join Jafar Alexander in untangling the wisdom of this timeless resource and peer into how these teachings can assist in creating an understanding that is applicable to this day and time.

Yoga Alliance Office Hours | Insurance Q&A

Yoga Alliance leadership answers community questions and shares updated resources and safety precautions being taken to promote healthy, safe, and accessible yoga during this uncertain time in global history.

CE Workshop | Teaching Yoga to Seniors

This workshop defines senior populations, outlines specific health issues this group may have (such as heart disease and osteoporosis), and details teaching methodology. Further discussion will cover how COVID-19 has impacted seniors, and the precautions studios are taking to re-open.

CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga and Disease Prevention, Part 2

Unpack what experts truly mean when they speak about disease prevention. This video explains why the most prevalent diseases in society are called Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and what research has been done on yoga preventing NCDs and other types of illness.

Community Sangha | Yoga and Special Populations

Dante Settles joins our Vice President of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer in this online gathering designed to bring yoga schools, teachers, and students together during this time of social distancing.

Community Sangha | Yoga and Ayurveda, Part 1

Dr. Keshia Abraham joins our Vice President of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer in this online gathering designed to bring yoga schools, teachers, and students together during this time of social distancing.

Scientific Research on Yoga as a Contemplative Practice, Part 1

Explore the subtle energy aspects of yoga, such as prana, the chakras, and the energetic body. This workshop unpacks research that has measured the human experience of the “unitive state" and the more profound psychological transformations that can happen with a regular yoga practice.