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CE Workshop | Portable Yoga: Teaching Retreats and Training Programs Abroad

Would you like to combine your passion for yoga and travel? Join seasoned yoga teachers and yoga travel business owners as they discuss the logistics of offering retreats and yoga teacher training abroad. In this panel discussion, learn about planning basics like what to consider before offering an international program, how to pick a place, how to determine pricing, and much more. During the live event, enjoy a special handout from the panelists.

CE Workshop | Incorporating Pranayama & Meditation in General Classes

Classical teachings, such as those found in the Yoga Sutras, outline ways to help students begin a meditation and pranayama practice. Both pranayama and meditation provide a spiritual compass and source of inner peace. How can we better integrate these practices in general yoga classes?

CE Workshop | Yoga and Social Justice

Yoga is about connection, unity, and oneness. This workshop will address how yoga can act as a movement for change and evolution, and how the practice of yoga can give us the tools to stand for justice for all beings.

CE Workshop | Create Balance in Your Joints: Flexibility or Stability

Explore your expression and depth in asana to establish joint balance on and off the mat. Learn strengthening and stretching techniques to avoid compression and hyper-mobility. This workshop reviews classic philosophical lessons that illuminate and support the physical practice of yoga.

CE Workshop | Teaching a Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class

Many students that attend yoga classes have experienced trauma, which may be relived in a yoga class. Judy Weaver and David Emerson talk about the yoga teacher’s responsibility for understanding the effects of trauma on the body. They also share some useful tools for teaching a trauma sensitive class.

CE Workshop | Creating an Inclusive Culture in Yoga Class

Join a webcast discussion about fostering an authentic, inclusive space in the yoga classroom. Dianne Bondy, Cherie Hotchkiss, and Sid McNairy share how they personally create an inclusive culture through representation, environment and outreach. During the webcast, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and share your ideas and methods for fostering inclusivity in yoga.

CE Workshop | The Role of Anatomy and Biomechanics in Yoga

Two experienced and inspiring yoga teachers come together to discuss the role of anatomy and biomechanics in yoga. The presenters will discuss how our definition of alignment is evolving, clarify misunderstandings about anatomy, and explore how knowledge of anatomy makes yoga safer for everyone.

CE Workshop | Yoga Beyond Asana: Teaching Tips for Pranayama and Chanting

Amy Ippoliti and Deepti Sastry share practical knowledge and insights for expanding breathwork and chanting in your classes. Learn how to evolve your yoga teaching with the benefits of these techniques, including when to offer them in a class and how to teach them. This workshop also includes an opportunity to participate in short pranayama practices.

CE Workshop | Core Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and The Yoga Sutras

Join Sreedevi Bringi for a guided exploration of texts from The Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Sreedevi will share her interpretations of these classic yoga texts by comparing and contrasting their key lessons. The workshop will include chanting of verses in the sacred Indian tradition, storytelling to bring the wisdom to life, and suggestions on how to apply key concepts to yoga teaching and daily life.

CE Workshop | Teaching to Make Yoga Accessible to All

Jivana Heyman shares ways in which teachers can bring yoga to all individuals, regardless of ability or background. He will offer ideas for making yoga available to every student, including specific examples of how to integrate different levels of ability into yoga classes to serve the needs of all.