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CE Workshop | Sthira Sukham Asanam: Steadiness and Ease

Patanjali's influential Yoga Sutras have long served as a guide for living a yogic life. In this workshop, we explore the concepts of Sthira and Sukha (Yoga Sutras 2.46 to 2.48), which promote steadiness and ease. You will learn:
· The definition and role of Asana
· How to attain Sthiram and Sukham
· Benefits of Asana and how to rise about the dualities

CE Workshop | The Stories Behind the Poses

Many yoga poses are named after ancient Indian gods, but what do their stories teach us about yoga, life, and ourselves? Dr. Raj Balkaran shares an exclusive preview of his new book “The Stories Behind the Poses: The Indian mythology that inspired 50 yoga postures” to teach you how to harness these stories to deepen your teaching and practice. In this workshop you will discover:

· The profound relationship between ancient Indian mythological stories and yoga postures
· How to honor the spiritual roots of yoga as expressed in 10 key ancient Indian stories
· How to use key mythological stories to deepen your own yoga teaching and practice

CE Workshop | How to Get Hired as a Yoga Teacher

Feeling frustrated trying to land your first or next yoga teaching position? It can be difficult to get your foot in the door at a new studio. Learn how to successfully navigate the hiring process to build confidence and help you land your next teaching position at a studio, community/recreation center, or health facility. In this workshop, you will learn:

· Where to find the best yoga teacher jobs
· How to “sell” yourself without feeling inauthentic
· The best ways to present yourself on paper and in-person to land the job

CE Workshop | Rock Your Reels

With over 1 billion active users each month, Instagram is an essential part of social media marketing, and over the last few years, Reels have taken center stage as the tool to bring your brand to life. Learn how to create engaging video content and grow your client base—and have fun doing it! In this workshop, wellness creator Sadie Nardini will discuss:
· How to use Instagram Reels to quickly build clientele
· What content you should (and shouldn't!) focus on for the best results
· A step-by-step guide to creating Reels

CE Workshop | The Art of Asking: How to Teach Inquiry-Based Yoga Classes

A yoga class is a fine balance of the objective and the subjective: the yoga teacher offers a sequence and suggestions, and each student learns, experiences and integrates the class content differently. We know our students are unique individuals; so how can we offer classes that leave space for those differences while leading a group? In this workshop, Erin Ehlers will offer a short asana sequence to demonstrate how to balance objective instructions and posing questions to develop your students’ understanding of themselves. In our discussion, you will learn:

· How asking your students the right questions can inspire self-reflection
· Examples of how to cue these moments of inquiry and instigate awareness
· How inquiry can enhance your teaching and infuse your classes with a sense of curiosity

CE Workshop | Self-Regulation, Part 1: Dissecting Detachment

Lean into the wisdom from The Bhagavad Gita to implement emotional, physical, and cognitive self-regulation tools to improve your daily life both as a teacher and student. This three-part series on self-regulation will begin by exploring how to create a healthy foundation of detachment which in turn can support you in building a thriving physical, personal, and professional life of non-attachment.

In this workshop, you'll learn:

· The meaning of detachment and how you can apply this concept in your daily life
· How to introduce detachment as a yoga teacher and connect it with poses and meditation
· Why you don't need to be a scholar to teach yoga philosophy

Recommended Reading for Workshop

1. Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell — this is the translation that will be used to lead discussion
2. Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health

CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga 101: How to Access and Select Relevant Research Articles

Our Scientific Research on Yoga team has worked to make the most relevant and applicable published research available to you, both on our website and by showing you how to navigate larger public databases. Join our Director of Scientific Research, Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa and host scientific research consultant, Steph Winsor, to learn how to access, find, and select relevant scientific research on yoga that best supports you and your teaching.

In this webinar, you will learn:

· How to access the Yoga Alliance yoga research citation pages
· How to select relevant reprints on the Yoga Alliance yoga research citation pages
· How to access yoga research publications on PubMed and Google Scholar

Taller de CE | 7 claves para hacer a tus clases más seguras

Con ejemplos ilustrativos, este taller te mostrará como con pequeños cambios en la forma que describimos las posturas, podemos generar un ambiente más inclusivo y seguro para nuestros alumnos (en cuerpo y mente!). Además, te ofreceremos ejercicios para que puedas crecer por tu cuenta, porque toma práctica generar nuevos hábitos de enseñanza.

Aprende cómo puedes ayudar a tus alumnos a :

· Reducir el riesgo de lesiones con un lenguaje más preciso
· Evitar disparar traumas usando instrucciones más conscientes e intencionales
· Generar una cultura incluyente y segura

CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga 101: How to Interpret a Research Paper

Are you curious about how to evaluate scientific research on yoga and effectively use it to support your teaching? Our Scientific Research on Yoga team has worked to make the most relevant and applicable published research available to you. Join our Director of Yoga Research, Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, and host scientific research consultant, Steph Winsor, to learn what to look for when reviewing a research paper.

In this webinar, you will learn:

· How to evaluate the strength, integrity, and value of a research paper
· How to read an article to support your teaching techniques and tactics
· How to select key phrases or statistics from a research paper

CE Workshop | Understand the Vagus Nerve and How It Can Affect Asana Practice

While our body rests, our parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for things like our heartbeat, breath, digestion, and other bodily functions that we do unconsciously. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system, and carries signals from these organs to the brain and back. It also helps counterbalance the effects of stress on the body. In this workshop, you will learn about:

· The functions of the vagus nerve
· Polyvagal theory
· Yoga practices that can support the tone and function of this important aspect of our physiology

CE Workshop | La méditation de Pleine Conscience dans l’enseignement du Yoga

Dans cet atelier, Dominique Fugère vous partagera des stratégies afin d’introduire la pleine conscience dans la pratique et l’enseignement du yoga. Vous y découvrirez aussi quel est le rôle de la méditation dans la pratique du yoga et celui de l’Asana dans la méditation. De façon plus précise, vous:

· Acquerrez une vision plus claire de la pleine conscience et de sa pertinence dans l’enseignement du yoga;
· Découvrirez comment la pratique de la méditation peut enrichir l’enseignement du yoga, et par le fait même, la vie des étudiants;
· Apprendrez des pratiques d’exploration simples.

CE Workshop | Transitioning to Online Teaching

Whether you want to teach solely online, or prefer a hybrid model, there is a pathway to financial success for yoga teachers in creating and publishing online yoga content. In this workshop, Sadie Nardini will share her strategies for transitioning to an online business model. You will learn:

· What to keep and what to let go of from the traditional in-person studio model
· How to edit your creative thoughts to focus on what is unique and marketable about you as a teacher
· Effective tips for generating passive income through optimized content