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Community Conversation | An International Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic and recent social justice movements show us how connected we all are. This series aims to foster a greater connection with the international yoga community and better inform participants about areas of challenge and opportunity faced by the yoga community around the world.

Community Sangha | Yoga and Meditation in the Black Community

The Black community has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, leaving many wondering how to maintain normalcy at a time when everything is abnormal. This sangha explores how utilizing yoga and meditation can help reduce tension, stress, depression, and anxiety in individuals and families.

CE Workshop | How to Make Yoga Relevant and Accessible for Men, Part 1

Presenter Robert Sidoti talks through important considerations for teaching yoga to men. This workshop will include discussion on making yoga accessible to the male population and take a closer look at aspects of a man's life, also including what language to use, physical anatomy, values, and more.

CE Workshop | Accountability as an Equity Tool

Accountability is one of the pillars for actionable social reconstruction. Learn how to create analytical processes designed to support individual and group social justice efforts and evaluate data to determine if actions are consistent with the stated principles of racial equity.

Taller de CE | La Rendición de Cuentas como Herramienta de Equidad

La rendición de cuentas es uno de los pilares de una reconstrucción social viable. En este seminario en línea, enmarcaremos la rendición de cuentas dentro de las salvaguardas de la transparencia y cómo es el tener la propiedad de estas decisiones dentro de cualquier estructura organizacional.

Aprenderás cómo crear procesos analíticos diseñados para apoyar los esfuerzos individuales y grupales para incorporar los valores fundamentales de la justicia social, y cómo evaluar los datos registrados para determinar si las acciones son consistentes con los principios establecidos de equidad racial y, en última instancia, ayudar a proveer puente entre desempeño eficaz y eficiente.

CE Workshop | Prop Shop

Yoga props can make poses more accessible for every body, and open up new ways for teachers to be creative with familiar movements. Grab two blocks (or block-alternatives), a couple blankets (or bath towels), and get ready for some prop play in this active workshop.

CE Workshop | How to Make Yoga Relevant and Accessible for Men, Part 2

Presenter Robert Sidoti talks through important considerations for teaching yoga to men. This workshop will include discussion on making yoga accessible to the male population and take a closer look at aspects of a man's life, including discussion on language, physical anatomy, values, and more.

CE Workshop | Ayurveda

Discuss basic ayurvedic principles through a Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) lens. Workshop participants will learn about doshas while exploring techniques to ameliorate samskaras and build ojas, while fostering greater self-love and appreciation.

CE Workshop | Teaching Yoga to Older Adults

This workshop covers the common physical and emotional challenges many people experience in aging and what yoga can offer us through this experience. Learn about keeping your students safe through understanding changing bodies, offering modifications, and celebrating the wisdom found in aging.

Community Sangha | Yoga for Men of Color

Learn how yoga can help recovery from the physiological and emotional harm of institutionalized racism. Presenter Sherri Doucette uses her personal experience and research from teaching contemplative practices primarily to Black and Latino men to discuss yoga as a self-healing tool for men of color.

CE Workshop | I Don’t See Color, Part 1

This digital series is intended to open our minds and hearts to the experiences of those who often go unseen, pre-judged, or misunderstood. To not see color is to not see the differences and complexities of the human experience.  Through this new series of digital events, Yoga Alliance invites our worldwide community into a space for listening, learning and conversation.

When someone says, “I don’t see color,” the intent may be one of non-harming, but the message received can have the effect of bypassing someone else’s trauma or lived experience because it does not look like your own. We are here to share and converse, with the hope that you - the listener - will take these experiences and the information provided for self-reflection. Because life, without empathy, is cruelty.