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Community Sangha | Annamaya and Pranayama Kosha

Join an in-depth exploration of the Physical and Prana Bodies. This workshop introduces many yogic techniques to strengthen and support these layers, as well as tips for protecting the first two body sheaths against the coronavirus.

CE Workshop Series | Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Part 4

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika writings explain the different stages of practice to help utilize the system of Hatha Yoga to reach enlightenment. In this four-part series, participants learn to understand and distinguish these stages and adapt them to their unique practices.

CE Workshop | Deepen Your Understanding of the Chakras, Part 5

This seven-part series invites yoga teachers to deepen their understanding of the chakras by exploring the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal aspects of this powerful system. Each workshop features a brief lecture, guided practice, and interactive Q&A on a designated chakra.

CE Workshop | Mantra Meditation: From Sound to Silence

Mantra and meditation are fantastic tools to help navigate the inner landscapes of the mind, heart, and spirit. This workshop looks at the roots of mantra and meditation, breaks down the techniques of a mantra Japa and Kirtan practice, and applies them to daily sadhana and teaching offerings.

Master Class | Designing a Sacred Practice

This masterclass guides you through a sacred practice that draws upon healing tools and techniques rooted in intuitive connection, yogic principles, and ancestral alignment. Presenter Faith Hunter also shares tips on blending practice and life and crafting experiences that go beyond “the yoga."

CE Workshop | Deepen Your Understanding of the Chakras, Part 6

This seven-part series invites yoga teachers to deepen their understanding of the chakras by exploring the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal aspects of this powerful system. Each workshop features a brief lecture, guided practice, and interactive Q&A on a designated chakra.

CE Workshop | Accountability as an Equity Tool

Accountability is one of the pillars for actionable social reconstruction. Learn how to create analytical processes designed to support individual and group social justice efforts and evaluate data to determine if actions are consistent with the stated principles of racial equity.

Taller de CE | La Rendición de Cuentas como Herramienta de Equidad

La rendición de cuentas es uno de los pilares de una reconstrucción social viable. En este seminario en línea, enmarcaremos la rendición de cuentas dentro de las salvaguardas de la transparencia y cómo es el tener la propiedad de estas decisiones dentro de cualquier estructura organizacional.

Aprenderás cómo crear procesos analíticos diseñados para apoyar los esfuerzos individuales y grupales para incorporar los valores fundamentales de la justicia social, y cómo evaluar los datos registrados para determinar si las acciones son consistentes con los principios establecidos de equidad racial y, en última instancia, ayudar a proveer puente entre desempeño eficaz y eficiente.

CE Workshop | How to Read Traditional Yoga Wisdom Texts, Part 1

This four-part workshop offers a systematic approach to overcoming obstacles when reading traditional yoga literature. Participants will learn how to develop a deep and meaningful connection with the ancient teachings of yoga.

Community Sangha | Yoga and Social Justice

Previously sentenced to 38 years in state prison, Marshawn Feltus pulls on his experience to teach yoga in correctional facilities, schools, and community centers throughout Chicago. In this sangha, he and our VP of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer discuss social justice in yoga.

CE Workshop | How to Teach Online: Quickstart Guide to Tech

If you are teaching online or would like to start, this workshop will show you low-cost, professional ways to begin. Discussion topics include microphones, cameras, live classes, and online storage. All information is based on the real-world experience of presenter Lucas Rockwood (E-RYT 500, YACEP).