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CE Workshop | Unpacking the Upleveled Standards

This event will guide participants through the strengthened RYS application and review process launched in Feb 2020. Hosts will detail what goes into a completely new application, and the up-leveling process for existing schools. Walk away with application clarity and preparation tools.

Community Conversation | An International Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic and recent social justice movements show us how connected we all are. This series aims to foster a greater connection with the international yoga community and better inform participants about areas of challenge and opportunity faced by the yoga community around the world.

CE Workshop | The Yoga of Relationship

Understand the multidimensional nature of the human system and the corresponding multifaceted practices as taught by the Ancients. This workshop will begin to explore the breadth of these teachings and practices and the ways in which we can integrate them into our personal yoga practice and teaching.

CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga and Trauma

In this workshop, you will sharpen your working definitions and understandings of trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Here, experts expand on these topics and explain why yoga is a good modality for trauma, compared with and as an adjunct to pharmaceutical interventions.

Community Conversation | An International Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic and recent social justice movements show us how connected we all are. This series aims to foster a greater connection with the international yoga community and better inform participants about areas of challenge and opportunity faced by the yoga community around the world.

CE Workshop | Origins and Authenticity in Modern Yoga, Part 1

This workshop series untangles the complicated roots of our modern yoga practice. From Indian ascetics, tantric mystics, and bodybuilders to European philosophers, wizards, and dancers, we’ll trace the wild rhizomatic web that got us to today's physical and spiritual practices.

Community Sangha | Retreat to Spirit Through Self-Care

This community sangha includes discussion with Retreat to Spirit founders Pamela Stokes Eggleston and Amina Naru with their take on self-care and contemplative yogic practices that they have used in the past and throughout their collective self-care and self-love journeys.

Research Discussion | Bringing Scientific Research to Life: Trauma

Sharpen your understanding of trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Here, guest panelists offer their most notable experiences and learnings from teaching yoga for trauma survivors and take questions related to the many aspects of this fast-growing field of mind/body healing.

Community Sangha | Meditation in Nature

Nature is a powerful way to draw a restless and worried mind back to a state of profound balance. This workshop will explore the ways we can draw on our natural surroundings as a vehicle for waking up and includes suggestions on guiding students into a meditative state ripe for insight.