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CE Workshop | I Don’t See Color, Part 6

The topic of this week’s workshop will be on Allyship vs. Accomplice-ship, seeking to describe the differences between the two and explore what each looks like in action. Keep learning how we can best show up for one another.

This digital series is intended to open minds and hearts to the experiences of those who often go unseen, pre-judged, or misunderstood. To not see color is to not see the differences and complexities of the human experience. Through the “I Don’t See Color” series, Yoga Alliance invites our worldwide community into a space for listening, learning and conversation. When someone says, “I don’t see color,” the intent may be one of non-harming, but the message received can have the effect of bypassing someone else’s trauma or lived experience because it does not look like your own. We are here to share and converse, with the hope that you, the listener, will take these experiences and the information provided for self-reflection. Because life, without empathy, is cruelty.

CE Workshop | Successful Online Teacher Training, Part 3

Join Amy and guests as they discuss how to craft successful online yoga teacher trainings. Listen in as thought leaders share their insight and knowledge on how yoga schools and studios can build and sustain a working business model for teacher training programs in digital spaces.

CE Workshop | Survey Research on Yoga: Reasons People Practice

Every practitioner's reasoning for beginning a yoga practice is different. Research surveys have not only captured these reasons; they have also studied why people continue to practice. This workshop discusses this research and its implications for teaching new and continuing students alike in 2021.

CE Workshop | Men’s Yoga for BIPOC

This month, we're highlighting men's yoga with a focus on the Black male community. This workshop looks at meaningful ways to engage Black men in the practices of yoga and meditation, while highlighting its benefits and how our panelists individually impact the cities and communities they serve.

CE Workshop | The Self-Worth Path: A Guided Journey to an Empowered Life, Part 1

In this five-part series, participants will be introduced to the five major areas of self-worth: body acceptance, self-care, self-awareness, accountability, and integration—and how to incorporate them into their own experience walking The Self-Worth Path. Part 1 focuses on body acceptance.

CE Workshop | Oncology Yoga: How to Create a Safe and Effective Practice for the Cancer Community

The specific physical and emotional needs and risks for cancer patients and survivors may differ from what one would assume. Additionally, the proven benefits of yoga will likely surprise you. With curiosity and training, Oncology yoga is adaptable into every lineage. Learn appropriate and inappropriate poses balanced with proper precautions. This knowledge is the foundation of compassion and credibility.

CE Workshop | Chakras Demystified, Part 2

Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning “wheel” or “circle.” According to ancient yoga-theory, Chakras are spinning energy centers in the subtle body. This workshop simplifies and demystifies the Chakras to enlighten the audience about its science and therapeutic importance for our wellbeing.