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CE Workshop Series | Three Principles of Spiritual Leadership: Self-Discipline, Part 3

The Bhagavad Gita is a call to action. Beyond the asceticism of a solitary yoga practice for the sake of one’s own liberation, is the higher practice of fighting for the sake of the world’s welfare. This workshop series, based on the third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, discusses the practical application of three leadership principles that can empower us to lead without egoism, see beyond illusion, and exemplify action for all the world to follow. This series helps prepare those who know that the world needs them, to step up into a position of spiritual leadership. Part 3 of this series focuses on self-discipline.

Yoga Lineages | Viniyoga Practice

Experience the depth of an integrated Viniyoga class, including asana, pranayama, and meditation. Viniyoga offers a comprehensive and authentic transmission of yoga designed for everyone’s unique body and mind.

Yoga continues to evolve to include deeply varied styles and types of practice, all rooted in a shared ancient history. Yoga Lineages is a series of conversations that explores seven of today’s most widely recognized yoga lineages, revealing what is unique about these practices. Whether you’re seeking peace of mind, strength in body, or are simply interested in finding a more mindful way of living, yoga can help and is a practice for all.

Yoga Lineages | An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

In this event, host Kim Weeks and Pritpal Kaur Khalsa explore the origins, evolution, and modern-day story of Kundalini. This practice is a dynamic blend of postures, pranayama (breath), mantra (chanting), movement, and meditation that awakens the flow of life force energy along the spine and helps us become healthier, happier, and more spiritually connected.

Yoga continues to evolve to include deeply varied styles and types of practice, all rooted in a shared ancient history. Yoga Lineages is a series of conversations that explores seven of today’s most widely recognized yoga lineages, revealing what is unique about these practices. Whether you’re seeking peace of mind, strength in body, or are simply interested in finding a more mindful way of living, yoga can help and is a practice for all.

Yoga Lineages | Kundalini Yoga Practice

Practice Kundalini in this asana class. This lineage is a dynamic blend of postures, pranayama (breath), mantra (chanting), movement, and meditation that awakens the flow of life force energy along the spine to help us become healthier, happier, and more spiritually connected.

Yoga continues to evolve to include deeply varied styles and types of practice, all rooted in a shared ancient history. Yoga Lineages is a series of conversations that explores seven of today’s most widely recognized yoga lineages, revealing what is unique about these practices. Whether you’re seeking peace of mind, strength in body, or are simply interested in finding a more mindful way of living, yoga can help and is a practice for all.

Yoga Lineages | An Introduction to Iyengar Yoga

In this event, host Kim Weeks, Patricia Walden, and Joan White explore the origins, evolution, and modern-day story of Iyengar. This practice is a practical method of exploring the philosophy of yoga from the skin to the soul.

Yoga continues to evolve to include deeply varied styles and types of practice, all rooted in a shared ancient history. Yoga Lineages is a series of conversations that explores seven of today’s most widely recognized yoga lineages, revealing what is unique about these practices. Whether you’re seeking peace of mind, strength in body, or are simply interested in finding a more mindful way of living, yoga can help and is a practice for all.

Yoga Lineages | Iyengar Yoga Practice

>Practice Iyengar in this asana class. This lineage is a practical method of exploring the philosophy of yoga from the skin to the soul. Yoga continues to evolve to include deeply varied styles and types of practice, all rooted in a shared ancient history. Yoga Lineages is a series of conversations that explores seven of today’s most widely recognized yoga lineages, revealing what is unique about these practices. Whether you’re seeking peace of mind, strength in body, or are simply interested in finding a more mindful way of living, yoga can help and is a practice for all.

Taller de CE | Pasos sencillos hacia la meditación

Aprende un camino fácil hacia la meditación utilizando los fundamentos del Yoga para estructurar tu meditación dentro de la tradición del yoga. Basado en los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali, este taller te muestra cómo integrar Yamas, Niyamas, Asana y Pranayama en una práctica efectiva de Pratyahara en preparación para meditar. Incluso si no tienes familiaridad con las primeras cinco ramas del yoga, podrás utilizar este enfoque para una práctica de meditación efectiva, agradable y sostenible. ¡Enfoca tu práctica!

CE Workshop | Simple Steps to Yogic Meditation

Find an easy way into meditation by using the foundations of yoga to structure your meditation in the yoga tradition. Guided by Patanjali's sutras, this workshop shows you how to integrate the yamas, niyamas, asana, and pranayama into an effective meditation practice. Even if you are not familiar with the first five limbs of yoga, you will be able to use this approach for an effective, enjoyable, and sustainable meditation practice. Get your practice in focus!

Yoga Lineages | Introduction to Ashtanga

This online workshop dives into Ashtanga yoga—a practice of six series of asana held within the Eight Limbs of Yoga as outlined in the Yoga Sutras. Walk away with a deeper understanding of this yoga lineage and how you can incorporate it into your personal yoga practice.

This ongoing series provides an easy-to-follow and comprehensive look at six of today’s most widely studied lineages (Ashtanga, Integral, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, and Viniyoga). In these sessions, presenters will share the history, philosophy, and power imbalances within these lineages.

Yoga Lineages | Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Practice Ashtanga in this asana class. This lineage is a practice of six series of asanas held within the Eight Limbs of Yoga as outlined in the Yoga Sutras. This ongoing series provides an easy-to-follow and comprehensive look at six of today’s most widely studied lineages (Ashtanga, Integral, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, and Viniyoga). In these sessions, presenters will share the history, philosophy, and power imbalances within these lineages.

Yoga Lineages | An Introduction to Kripalu Yoga

One of the joys of a personal yoga practice is discovering which style or lineage most resonates with you. Have you explored Kripalu yoga? Robert Mulhall and Monique Schubert (E-RYT 220, RYT 500, YACEP) join host Kim Weeks for this introductory workshop to Kripalu yoga, a practice emphasizing meditation, breathwork, and spiritual transformation.

Our Yoga Lineages series provides an easy-to-follow and comprehensive look at six of today’s most widely studied lineages (Ashtanga, Integral, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, and Viniyoga). In these sessions, presenters will share the history, philosophy, and power imbalances within these lineages.

Taller de CE | Consejos Prácticos para Enseñar Pranayama

Explora los consejos prácticos para enseñar el poder de Pranayama. Aprende cómo guiar a los estudiantes a través de ejercicios fáciles que ayudan a optimizar su práctica de Pranayama para tener mejor salud, relajación más profunda y mayor presencia mental.